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High Performance Quantum Bioresonance

  • Technologies for Sports Performance
  • Quantum Bioresonance
  • Improving Health and Sports Performance
High Performance Biofeedback by Ateneya

High Performance Quantum Bioresonance

Quantum Bioresonance is a cutting-edge technology designed to prevent injuries, improve training, and optimize recovery for athletes. It has been used at the Olympic level for over 40 years, enhancing performance by aiding relaxation, recovery, sleep, pain management, and mental preparation.

Enhanced Health and Athletic Performance

Quantum Bioresonance utilizes a biomedical device based on quantum physics, transmitting information via electromagnetic waves. This holistic therapy measures frequencies to diagnose and treat the body's needs, dysfunctions, and weaknesses, restoring cellular balance and stimulating regenerative capacity.

Applications and Benefits

This technology is effective for various conditions, including stress, learning disorders, ADHD, aging, emotional balancing, and more. It helps identify nutritional deficiencies, detoxify the body, repair neurological issues, and improve overall health without invasive procedures.

Quantum biofeedback ATENEYA
The Technology
Quantum Bioresonance is supported by a biomedical device based on quantum physics. Information is transmitted through electromagnetic waves (hertz). It is a therapy that has its roots in holistic medicine, combined with the most advanced contemporary technologies.
It measures the frequencies of substances and trough the information gained we can get a picture of our bodies’ needs, dysfunctions and weakness. With this device as well, we can train these energetic imbalances.

The story goes

Quantum Bioresonance program is implemented to assist coaches, trainers, and physicians to prevent athlete injuries, enhance contest preparation, accelerate training and post-contest recovery, and optimize overall athletic performances.
Quantum Bioresonance has been used for sport performance enhancement, including at the Olympic level, for more than 40 years, because athletic performance is intimately linked with the athlete's ability to relax, recover, sleep, manage pain, and mentally and emotionally prepare for competition.

About Quantum Bioresonance

Bioresonance is technologically supported by an innovative biomedical machine, based on quantum physics, capable of transmitting information through electromagnetic waves (hertz) and treating overloads to restore cellular balance, stimulate tissue regenerative capacity, as well as increase self-healing. The functionality of this machine in restoring the body’s energy flow on several levels. In fact, bioresonance works satisfactorily on any pathology thanks to its over 3000 programs, but it is also useful, above all, for prevention.
It can tune brain functions, increase intelligence & memory and Enhanced Learning ability. Correction on disturbances in Brain Wave Pattern, meridian energy flow and Chakra energy correction help treat such diseases.

CSO Quantum's Bioresonance Project at Ateneya
Dr Miguel Ferrari Jr Biofeedback Ateneya
Dr. Miguel Ferrari Jr (SP/BR) - Is the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) for this project here at Ateneya. Dr. Miguel Ferrari is a biophysicist and psychologist, has been working in the health field for more than 25 years.
Performs diagnoses and treatments helped (as an instrument) by the use of frequential medicine and Quantum Bioresonance.
> Bioresonance is intended as a support to traditional Medicine in order to acquire increasingly precision strategies, tailored to individual patients’ needs, specifically referring to allergology, neurology, metabolic diseases, nutrition science and infectious diseases and other medical disciplines. <

Use of Quantum Bioresonance

The diagnosis and the corrections are at the Physical, Mental, Emotional, Nutritional, Hormonal and Spiritual dimensions including AURA & CHAKRA. The diagnosis and treatment involve Mind Relaxation, Hormone stabilization, Weight reduction, Emotional balancing, Reverse Ageing, Face Lift, Nutritional deficiency identification, Detoxification, Zapping of the Bacteria, Virus & Fungi, Neurological repairment, correcting digestive disturbances, restoring organ function, and many more.


> Non-invasive and drug-free
> Supports physical, mental, and emotional health
> Enhances performance and recovery
> Safe and scientifically validated

Who Can Benefit?

> Athletes and sports teams
> Coaches and trainers
> Health professionals
> Individuals seeking non-invasive health solutions

Brief Review About GQB

Genius Quantum Bioresonance

Join the Quantum Health Revolution

Investing in Quantum Bioresonance means prioritizing health and performance. Experience the benefits of advanced biofeedback and Bioresonance technology today.


Genius Quantum Bioresonance works

Schedule a meeting to talk with us and check what we can do for you or your team!

Meet us and talk with Dr Miguel Ferrari to better understand our work and how you can benefit from our Bioresonance program, or just get your questions answered, for that you just need to Whatsapp Us!

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